
Customizing a blog

what are you going to do after creating a blog? 7 from 10 people say they would publish their blog. they would shared anything, started from their life, their romance, family, friends, recent news, usefull tips, even how far they've lost their weight. Fascinating isnt it? we can shared anything to anyone arround the world and they can do the same to us. but,have you double check it before sending it to search engine? is it proper enough? yupz your the only one that can answer it, i believedeveryone would try to make their blog as good as they can. in that case there are some basic things that we need to considered in designing a blog.

1. adding widgets and accesories
    adding widgets and accesories in our blog feel so much fun. but, there is some risk if we put to much widget and accesory that was not necessary in our blog. such adding a clock and calendar, it is good but it can make our blog run slow.

2. check the pages in different browser
   by doing so, we're avoiding the different look of our blog in a different web browse for example, the look of our pages was good in opera but not necessarily good in IE or firefox. knowing that our blog visitor do not use one browser only.

3. Check Dead link
   perform dead link check as often as possible. the readers even search engine avoid the dead link.

4. Avoid installing a song on blog
   as i said up above a song could make your blog run slow also.

5. Do not put lots of ads
   lots of ads sometimes become unprofitable to our site.
   People would think that your pages are all about the ads and look didn’t interesting.
6. The contrast of your blog
   pay attention to the contrast of your blog. Choose the colors according to the
   theme of your blog and do not make your pages to weird.

7. Appreciate the comment
   readers comment could bring popularity to your blog, so try to appreciate them
   and not to blame it on them.

cpns jambi

Number: 1003/H21/KP/2009
CANDIDATE RECEPTION civil servants UNIVERSITY OF ENVIRONMENT IN THE YEAR 2009 JAMBI Based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education 47190/A4/KP/2009 No. 4 September 2009, and the results of the technical meeting on 7 staffing sd 9 September 2009, University of Jambi will Candidates receive a number of Civil Servants 30 people, 1. Registration
1.1. Time
Acceptance of application and selection administration began on 14 September 2009 to by October 6, 2009, every working day starting at 08.30 s / d 13:00 pm except on Friday at 08.30 s / d 11:00 pm and Saturday at 08.30 sd 12.00 am.
1.2. Place
Registration was carried out in Section Affairs Bureau Public Administration and Finance Jambi University, Kampus Pinang Masak, Jalan Muara Jambi-BULIAN Km.15, Mendalo Army, Jambi. Applications delivered directly by the applicants and should not be delegated full info CPNS UNJA 2009 Revenue Completeness
1.3.1. cover letter written in black ink and signed by the applicant with mentioned positions will be proposed, addressed to the Minister of National Education the Rector of the University of Jambi, without a seal;
1.3.2. 1 (one) copy STTB / certificates that have been accredited and must be in accordance with academic qualifications required, and has been ratified by the competent authority (date of STTB / certificates must be before the date of Applying, should not be a letter information or statements that have not graduated), and showed original to the Sub Selection Team Administration, and for faculty positions plus List of Values (transcript) Academic, provided the grade point average (GPA)
3.25, except for S1 Profession General Practitioner with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.00;
1.3.3. education academic qualifications must be linear between S1 and S2; (S2 academic qualifications law, then the academic qualification must be law S1). Academic qualifications for applicants S2 in order to attach a photo copy of STTB / Diploma S1;
1.3.4. Applicants for graduates of foreign universities or educational institutions outside country, in addition to attaching the completeness figures 1.3.2. above, must submit a letter decision making and assessment of degree equivalency college graduates outside country from the Directorate General of Education Ministry of Higher Education;
1.3.5. 2 (two) pieces of passport photo size 3 x 4 cm.
1.3.6. lowest age of 18 years and the highest 35 years (TMT December 1, 2009). For applicants aged 35 years and not exceeding 40 years of age must based on the specific needs of selectively implemented, and must attach The first appointment decree until at least the last 12 years 8 months in continuous and uninterrupted since April 1, 1997 until now the agency government and / or private institutions that support the legal entities, national interests, and letters stating that the relevant still perform his duties at the institution, in accordance with Government Regulation Number 98 of 2000 as amended by Government Regulation No. 11
1.3.7. Special faculty applicants must attach a statement of not being bound by contract with agencies / other universities, if it is found at the time of applying for a intentionally give information or evidence that is not true, then the relevant dismissed with respect. Letter of application and its attachments (figure 1.3.1. S / d 1.3.7.) Incorporated into the map and on the corner
top right please write the code and educational qualifications, and for qualified applicants:
a. S2 map colors: Red
b. S1 map colors: Yellow
c. DIII map colors: Green
1.4. Charging Biodata
Biodata charging applicants conducted after the applicant passed the administrative selection,
starting on 14 September 2009 until October 6, 2009.
1.5. Participants sign Selection
Taken after submitting a completed Bios.
2. Implementation Exam
2.1. Day / date: Thursday, October 15, 2009
2.2. Time: 07.30 WIB s.d. done
2.3. Venue: University of Jambi, Kampus Pinang Masak, Jalan Muara Jambi-Km.15 BULIAN
Army Mendalo, Jambi.
2.4. Completeness brought: (a) a test card; (b) 2B pencil; (c) rubber eraser; (d) base for
writing; and (e) sharpener.
3. Test materials include:
3.1. Basic tests include General Knowledge Test (TPU) and scholastic aptitude tests (TBS);
3.2. Substantive Test / Psychotest / Interview / Skills Teaching.
4. Applicants who arrive late are not allowed to enter the exam room and / or take exams.
5. Participants who passed the general knowledge test and scholastic talents (TPU / TBS) are required
following the Substantive Test / Psychotest / Interview / Skills Teaching and the time will
determined later.
6. Exam Results Announcement
Announcement graduation (graduated TPU / TBS) estimated date of October 30, 2009.
7. Terms of Appointment of Civil Service Candidates
7.1. Applicants who received specified, must complete and submit the completeness
administration, as follows:
7.1.1. the lowest was 18 years and a maximum of 35 years on 1
In December 2009 which is determined by date of birth listed on the
STTB / certificates that are used as the basis for the appointment;
7.1.2.Foto copy STTB / certificate produced educational institutions that have permission
the establishment and accreditation of the Ministry of National Education, and has been endorsed by
authorized officials;
- Date of STTB / diplomas must be before the date of Applying, should not be a letter
information or statements have not graduated;
- Academic qualification certificate must be linear between S1 and S2;
- For those who have a college graduate diploma abroad must enclose a letter
decision making and assessment of degree equivalency college graduates
abroad from the Directorate General of Higher Education Department of National Education.
7.1.3. List of CVs according to Chief Information and Decision No. 11 of 2002, with
- Written with his own hand using capital letters / block, black ink, and
- Posted pas photo size 3 x 4 cm at the upper right corner;
- To fill the place of birth must match the certificate to be used, with
if the relevant records birthplace in the village / district, then the charging
place of birth on the DRH need plus include Regency / City;
- On the field of education, certificate number and year of graduation of each level of education started
from elementary school to the last certificate used for the appointment process must be filled
7.1.4. Appropriate waiver decision BKN Head number 11 of 2002, which contains
- Was never sentenced to prison by a court decision which had
permanent legal force, because doing something evil criminal;
- Was never dismissed with respect not his own request or not
with respect as a candidate Servants / Civil Servant or not with
respect as Private Employees;
- Not domiciled as Calon Pegawai Negeri / Pegawai Negeri;
- Willing to be placed throughout the Republic of Indonesia or other countries determined by the
- Do not take charge of and / or members of political parties;
7.1.5. Photocopy of proof of work experience is authentic and certified by the officials
berwenang bagi yang memiliki pengalaman kerja.
7.1.6. Photograph size 3 x 4 cm by 8 (eight) sheets;
7.1.7. Affidavit of structural echelon II officials who will receive a placement CPNS
the work unit in the neighborhood as defined for the formation of
7.1.8. Police Notes Certificate (SKCK) party issued a
authorities / police;
7.1.9. Certificate of physical and spiritual health of the doctor;
7.1.10. Certificate does not consume / use drugs, psychotropic drugs, precursors,
and other addictive substances from the government health service units, with provisions:
- Issued by the Government General Hospital;
- Based on examination of urine through a laboratory is considered to
negative for narcotics;
- Signed by a doctor (Head / laboratory staff, Kasatreskrim Police
not a doctor is not allowed).
7.1.11. Affidavit was not bound by contract to the agency / other universities;
7.1.12. Contract statement of work with the University of Jambi;
7.1.13. Special applicants who at the time appointed CPNS 35 years old and not
over 40 years at the December 1, 2009 must attach a letter of decision
The first appointment to last at least 12 years 8 months continuously
and not cut off since April 1, 1997 until now the government agencies
and / or private institutions that are legal entities that support the interests of
national, and letters stating that he is still
perform his duties at the institution, in accordance with Government Regulation
Number 98 of 2000 as amended by Government Regulation No.
11 of 2002
7.1.14. Passed selection.
7.2. If one of the requirements as stated in item 7.1. not met then the
concerned can not be appointed as CPNS.
8. Other provisions
1. All decisions in the context of the selection committee candidates receiving Civil Service is not
2. The things that have not been regulated / listed in this announcement shall be governed / determined later.
So to be a concern.
Jambi, 10 September 2009
Rector of the University of Jambi,
H. Boxed Arsyad Somad, S.H., M.H.
NIP. 130353348

Sharing the articles via social bookmarking

 Social bookmarking is a place for internet users to store, manage, and search the web pages by using the data storage site. If we are able to bookmarks our favorite WebPages in web browser, we can do the same with social bookmarking, plus it can be enjoyed by other users with excess data bookmarks stored on Social Bookmarking sites. Now, other than search engines, Social Bookmarking is one of the most popular solution to the web management and internet users.

 The examples of popular Social Bookmarking sites are DIGG, StumbleUpon, and Technorati. Unlike the web directory service that only storing & presenting the list of main page URL and sites that managed by the editors manually .Social Bookmarking mechanisms are more dynamic and democratic. Web and blog managers can register any URL and posting articles on their websites or blogs. The next registered articles will be voted by the visitors, and the most popular will be presented exclusively on the home page. This is where the Internet users can accept the benefit, from the best reference and articles.
 Social Bookmarking sites usually provide an instant feature to submits a URL, such as the add-on that can be installed on a web browser toolbar, or submit a link icon that can be installed on a web page or blog. This will make the articles, promotion, and the increase in traffic (traffic) sites via Social Bookmarking spreading easily. In addition, Social Bookmarking site also provides additional features, such as the provision of comments, search fellow users, and socializing features.

Modifying your blogger templates

Tired with your old looking templates? There are two choices for you. The former is quite practical, search and download templates Blogger from third parties, then copy and install it to your new templates. The second is more creative, modify your own template!

Here are some basic tips you can use to edit or create your Blogger template:

1. Backup Templates and Components

The first thing you should do before changing the Blogger template is backing up the old template and page elements that you currently have. Components except posting, archives, and comments are quite vulnerable to the risk of missing when the new template applied (Blogger will give a warning list
of widgets that will be lost if you apply a new template).

Then Login to your blog management page, click the Layout> Edit HTML.
To back up the initial template, selecting the code in the Edit Template box (Ctrl + A), then copy (Ctrl + C).
Open Notepad, then copy the code into Notepad worksheet (Ctrl + V).
Saving the backup of your original template.

For the record, if you have added the element or widget on your blog page, then before doing step 2, you have to activate the Expand Widget (at the top of the Edit Template box). then you can copy the entire code and save it as your next step.

Now you're ready to modify your Blogger template. If the result is less satisfactory, you can still restore the initial template by copying the code from Notepad to the Edit Template box.

2. Eliminate NavBar

Feel uncomfortable with the view NavBar at the top of your blog page? Remove the NavBar and expand your blog's page views in the following ways:

First, Open your Blogger template in the Layout> Edit HTML.
Find the insertion point, place the cursor just above the line body (.
Paste the code line below to remove the NavBar look at your blog page:

# navbar-iframe (
  height: 0px;
  visibility: hidden;
  display: none
Save the template changes, preview blog and enjoy the results.

3. Modify the width of page

The first thing you need to understand in modifying your blog page is about setting the width component of the page (header, the page posts, sidebar, and footer).

Here is the formula that you can make the guidelines in a wide tweaking of your blog page:

# header-wrapper = # outer-wrapper = # footer = # main-wrapper + 30 + # sidebar-wrapper

Find and change the width value: in that section as needed:
# header-wrapper, # outer-wrapper, and # footer a standard width of the entire blog page.
# main-wrapper is the size of your post column.
# sidebar-wrapper is the size of your sidebar column.
The value 30 is used to provide distance between the column posts and sidebar columns.

With BASED on the above formula, then you can change the size of your pages by editing the HTML with the following values:

Initial width values:
660px = 660px = 660px = 410px + 30px + 220px

Width value for the modification:
750px = 750px = 750px = 470px + 30px + 250px

Explanation editing steps:
Override width value in the # header-wrapper, # outer-wrapper, and # footer to 750px.
Override width value in the # main-wrapper to 470px.
Override width value in the # sidebar-wrapper to 250px.

Value width # main-wrapper = 470px suitable for advertising (it can accommodate the size banner 468x60 px). You can resize it based the formula.

getting more visitors to your blog

when I was surfing looking for this,  I found an amazing simple list of very useful tips, for example:

Submit your site to various free blog directories. A comprehensive list of directories can be found at: Robin Good's - Best Blog Directory and RSS Submission Sites.
Join social networking sites like
Join a bookmarking site like and Install their toolbar.
Join a blogging forum and become an active participant in the forum.
Write articles and submit them to article directories. provides a complete list of article directories sorted by page rank that you can submit to.
Read the rest at Google Groups:

Great place of blogging tips

Here you find dozens of tips of how to blog and tutorials:

tools for better writting

finding this site was great for me. you can create anything down here.

Monitor coming alive

Alive Monitor
Go mess around with the mouse and the footsteps will follow you.
It's a weird sensation:

Desktop Animations

provide you a virtual dog that do trick
A great idea for a website. Some cute dog obbay our instructions as we type it.
Preatty fun.

Although I only could try bark, sit, jump and dead. Any other ideas?

Hard reset N-gage

hard reset is the way to make our phone become normal again after the majority
changing that we 'd done to our phone.
first thing to do when you want to make some changing in your cell phone, you
have to remembered to backing up
all your data and keep it in saved place.
this methode is to minimalize the lost in your cell phone.started from the contacts and
if you want to you can back up your sms also with backup contact and message saver
apps that you have.
afetr that, if you are using costumized font in your phone, simply remove it '
first with font remover, cause if you dont remove it you cant see the
changing effect in your phone.
then click *#7370# for hard reset and soft reset 7780

MMC card that unvisible in your pc

my friend asked me about his N-gage memory card that become unvisible in his pc. he told me
that yesterday, when he wanted to transferred the data from his pc to his memory, suddwnly his
pc was turned off and when he started it from all oevr again his card become unvisible
(his pc cannot read the data from his memory). it is also can happen to flashdisk, when
we want to plug it in to our pc, sometimes it become blank. but dont worry.,
i have the solution for you, just follow this steps:

1. click my computer and choose properties-hardware-device manager
  then try to find your hard disk (disk driver) right click-scan hardware changes

2.for axehead.png flash disk or mmc that unwritten in your pc foollow this step
click my computer-choose manage-click disk management- right click then choose
change driver letter and part.-add-change-then choose the drive that youy want F.G,H

3.the last step, try to plug it in another pc. if it still dont work perhasps your memory
or flash disk was broken the solution is try to buy the new one.